Social Media Management Tools,
Should You Use Them?
Social Media Management Tools, Should You Use Them?
Love technology? Should you use the same management tools for Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, G+, etc? Why not, it's a lot easier that way, right. Remember Hootsuite? Maybe you still use it. Hootsuite manages all of your posts in one place with one fell swoop. It does the job, but not the best job for each of the different social media platforms. So, the answer is a big, fat no! If you want to market your business online and only have a few hours per week to spare, a social media management tool can increase your productivity, in turn, increasing your income. For a list of apps to increase your daily productivity, check out Blake Rubin, a tech junkie on the cutting edge.
Posting with a one size fits all management tool saves time, but it doesn’t really do anything else for you. Other apps and tools are designed to help you increase engagement, grow a following, and optimize your posts to reach your demographic.
Buffer schedules to Pinterest for a fee. And, it’s not ideal. Pinterest was an afterthought. Skip that.
Later does a good job, but it’s probably easier just to pin when signed in to Pinterest rather than schedule pins through Later. It takes about the same amount of time. The convenience is you can do it all at once, but I prefer manual pinning to scheduling.
Tailwind started with a Pinterest focus. They are a great tool for Pinterest management, but it can feel overwhelming with so may tech tool options. A lot of the great info Tailwind shares with you is now readily available with Pinterest analytics.
There’s also Ahalogy and several other Pinterest management tools, but they all feel like more trouble than not to us.
For user friendliness, our vote is for Board Booster. Sure, there’s a learning curve, but once you get it, BoardBooster is a lifesaver. Just make sure to go back and curate your boards every week. If you let BoardBooster take over and never check on it, you might have some unhappy group board owners. It’s all in your attention to detail. But for bulk pinning from websites or Pinterest boards to help build engagement, BoardBooster is the bomb. It’s also a great way to search for group boards and it doesn’t even require that you sign in or have an account to use it that way. Find tech group boards on Pinterest.
If you don’t like the idea of logging in to various sites to manage your social media, you probably aren’t as invested as you should be. Hire an expert (or several) specific to the platform you want to use. Many social media managers know about all of the different platforms, but some don’t. Be mindful when hiring. As social media marketing consultants, we can connect with your contractor and design a strategy to put them (or you) on the right track.